Legend of the Five Rings Wiki
A Worthy Opponent
Story hline
Author D.G. Laderoute
Release Date 2020-12-30
Previous The Careful Gardener
Next The Villain's Mask
Source A Worthy Opponent
Cycle/Set Temptations Cycle

In the Imperial City of Otosan Uchi, Bayushi Shoju sits in captivity, carefully considering the recent bargain posed to him by Ikoma Ujiaki. And yet, even as he considers, he receives news of the sorcerous calamity at Yogo Castle. What choices will Shoju make as he considers this new information and determines how best to fulfill his duty? And what future will those choices spell out for Rokugan?

Read the next chapter of the Temptations cycle’s story with "A Worthy Opponent", a new Legend of the Five Rings short story by D.G. Laderoute!
