Legend of the Five Rings Wiki
Caged Birds
Story hline
Author Katrina Ostrander
Release Date 2020-04-22
Previous How the World Ought to Work
Next Violence Behind Courtliness
Source Caged Birds
Cycle/Set Dominion Cycle

Bayushi Kachiko, Imperial Advisor and Mother of Scorpions, has fallen far from her high position. After disputing with Shoju in the aftermath of the Emperor's death, she has been exiled to Toshi Ranbo, far from the Imperial City of Otosan Uchi, and held under house arrest for treason. Now stripped of everything she once held close, what is Kachiko's road forward from this point—and where might that road lead?

Fantasy Flight Games is proud to present "Caged Birds", a new Legend of the Five Rings short story by Katrina Ostrander! This story follows directly from the events arising in "Black and White".
